
Building meaning into beauty. We’re going to take you to the moon. And we want you to feel at home there.
“They did not know it was impossible so they did it”— Mark Twain

We believe this quote best describes our team’s mindset. Hailing from different horizons, with diverse backgrounds and skill sets, we all have a passion for hard work and overcoming challenges, and share the values of artistry, teamwork and excellence.

We don't think we’re everyone's cup of tea... and why should we be?

We have the guts to take on everything. Our obsession with every aspect of a project is what first inspired our integrated approach: designers and builders under one roof. Your roof.

La Ferme Humminghill is our refuge

La Ferme Humminghill is a place where a sustainable way of life is nurtured, centred around resource conservation, permaculture and LEED construction methods, as well as agroecological farming and processing.
Discover our personal project
Shoebox project
This non profit organization has taken on the mission of providing small gifts in a wrapped shoebox to women in shelters just before the Holidays.
Fondation Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais
The Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais foundation’s mission is to fight bullying, violence and discrimination against primary and secondary school age children.